That’s what is here for! Our 246 passive voice worksheets will ensure that you never run out of ways to teach the passive, no matter how many class periods you have to spend on it.
The question is, where can you find exercises for all four learning categories? To make sure your students really understand the passive voice, it’s important to get them involved in all these activities, until their knowledge of the passive is grounded in a variety of experiences, and they feel confident about producing it on their own. Teaching the passive isn’t as simple as rehearsing with sample sentences - after all, the modern approach to ESL teaching emphasizes a balance of grammar, reading, speaking, and listening. If you want to make sure that your class really understands what the passive voice means - and where it does and doesn’t make sense to use it - you’ll probably want to employ a combination of all these teaching tactics. and sometimes, the best way to teach the passive voice is just to use it in sentences like the ones above. The passive voice can be taught in a wide variety of ways.